September 4, 2010

Beyond The Poms: Prepping For The Classic

Argos Cheerleader

All Argonauts fans know the importance and tradition behind the Labour Day Classic. Generations of Argos fans and Ticats fans come together at Hamilton’s Ivor Wynne Stadium for one of the most anticipated games of the year. The heated rivalry between both teams gets the players, cheerleaders and fans all riled up for what always is a great game.  Although I have been a part of the Argos Cheerleaders for three seasons now, this is going to be my first time performing on Hamilton turf. The cheerleaders have been hard at work practicing over the last couple of weeks to prepare for our performance in Hamilton. 

The cheerleading team can feel the excitement building each day leading up to the big game.  The Argos Cheerleaders and Ticat Cheerleaders have shared the field before and the camaraderie between both cheer teams is extraordinary – we love being able to perform side by side on the field together.

This game will be different from our regular home games. Of course, getting ready will be the same. Hair and make-up will be done the usual way. We will be polished and in our uniforms as we wait to walk onto the field. But the feeling we get in the pit of our stomachs will be different. We are cheerleaders from a visiting team, and having to perform in front of many die-hard Hamilton fans can be intimidating. However, I feel confident and believe in our cheerleading team’s ability to perform and get a crowd going. We are professionals who can perform under any sort of pressure and we will deliver!

Hamilton fans are infamous for their love and commitment to their team and I am excited to see the end result of them game. I have all the faith in our players and in our fans.  I know that having the Argos Cheerleaders and, more importantly, our great Double Blue fans there supporting the team during the game will encourage the coaches and players to come out of Ivor Wynne Stadium with a win! We hope to see as many double blue jerseys in the stands as possible.  Argos fans: come out and support your Toronto Argonauts and your 2010 Argo Cheerleaders at the Labour Day Classic!